Memorial for the excluded, expelled and murdered members of the WU Vienna during WWII

Competition 2013

The memorial "Ruinenwert" is a built fiction of decay- a cultural, emotional, intellectual heritage, the home of which people were expulsed- a timless place.

I define the culture area of Central Europe polemically as a farmers house: Main building covered by a gabeled roof and adjoining barn form the front.

I reduce the house´s components to a repertoire of forms- the facade becomes surface, reinforced concrete gnawed to its bones.

In the alley between the two neighboring houses, we remember the victims of fascism. 

Albert Speers´ phantasies of ivy covered stone ruins witnessing "Third Reich´s glorious times" (in his vision comparable to the remnants of antiquity) face their worst case scenario: Rusting reinforcement of Modern Architecture´s ferroconcrete.

Fig. 2 Wild pig cadaver gnawed to its bones
Fig. 1 First Sketches, Typologies
Fig. 6 Design proposal in context, WU Prater 1020

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